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Kyle Lux's debut: 'Rollin' Stone'




Usually when we look at artists we don't judge them until they have fully developed into the musician they want to be or at least until they've put more than one song out. But, I think it's safe to say that with this as his debut single, he's going to be turning heads very soon. The freshman Kyle Lux, who has just moved to the West Coast, opens up to the music world about his recent move and how it has affected his mood. The lyrics refer to the feeling of homesickness and how he's growing as a person to overcome this.

But there is not doubt that this artist has overwhelming amounts of talent and potential. The incredible song explores different avenues of melodies with the use of a bass guitar as a subtle tone to accompany the soft voice of Kyle. These two mixed with the dampened drums, adds an extra dimension to the articulate tune that is 'Rollin' Stone'. All together with these various elements, Kyle has managed to create a blend of soulful alternative pop music that not a lot of modern musicians are making. I have a feeling that this song and artist could become very big soon, so keep an eye out.

Don't forget to keep an eye out by following his Twitter



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